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Social media does not hold opinions to be something hard to do. Opinions are necessary to get a forum going. Opinions are necessary and share similar thoughts and similar opinions as it is a sense of closeness to a group of people. Somehow, social media has made infrastructure and opinions a hard tunnel following bandwagon behavior and idiotic behavior

Infrastructure is something rhetoricians have been striving for all along. Infrastructure makes new digital technology environments come alive, according to (Alford, 65). "All doxastic infrastructure helps distribute the formations of bodies learning to practice such motivations as desire," (Alford, 71). According to Alford, "Opinions not only scaffold rhetorical invention, but they also supply the materials for rhetorical invention."

Sense and opinions hold true to social media, thus creating forums, groups, and organizations. According to Gilles Deluze, "sense" is not something to discover, to restore, and to reemploy, Sense is not bounded, predictable, and cannot be enforced as commonsense. Users employ their opinions on one another as their truth that creates invention and new ideas. This is called online expression which creates a new digitality forum for online groups. Plato describes doxa + bodies as a pin in a given social field.

Emotions play a significant part in social media forums thus creating irrational thoughts and explicit meanings. Users of these forums create a community, whether its hate or not, people that use these opinionated forums come together with the same ideas and inventions of rhetoric.

Thel commonsense of a platform is a totally different thing. Where the platform has rules and guidelines and no room for hate. Users have to stay open-minded while also trusting their opinions are trusted to be valuable and acceptable to other users of the forum. According to Alford, commonsense and nonsense are two entities we find on social media forums. " Doxa are conscious unconscious thinking of unconscious conscious thoughts", (Alford,90). "Social media produces a circulation of exchange without explanation, justification, or rationalization," (Alford, 91).

Topoi introduces developing persistent occasions of association. Which is celebrity culture or statements of outrage in a community forum. Social media forums are necessary to have rules and guidelines in order to keep post in proper order. While users are entitled to their opinions, online forums have to keep the forums positive and "common". When users write their opinions, it is objective, not subjected to everyone else. "Opinions are not created, they create themselves," (Alford, 120)

According to Alford, "the contingent nature of endoxa accelerates cross-pollination between endoxastic opinions and implausible opinions," (Alford, 122). Each thought a user write becomes examined by other users. How might this opinion relate to me and my opinions. Users have to feel what other users have to say. Dialectical exchange is relevant to find a commonplace for similar opinions, thus creating and innovating a digital community.

Hashtags are a form of positive communication to and from users of the same thoughts and opinions. Social media and doxa has come a long way from "universal judgements." We worry about social accidents that cause people to become the news or opinions that are biased and unwanted.

As users are engaged in their inventive opinions, we tend to accelerate faster because of the viral digitality of our words. Users create words, languages, and commonsense thoughts in order to get their way of doing things to other users. We look for new ways of thinking and doing from social media platforms.

Keywords: Doxa, Endoxa, Adoxa, Topoi


Alford, Caddie. "Entitled Opinions". The University of Alabama Press. Copywright 2024

How does a community flourish on social media? How is one encouraged on social media in order to create new ideas-whether it is academic or for business. Social media has proven itself to be the world's largest technological system that employs opinions. Opinions that stem from common beliefs or opinions that fester into something bigger and better.

In "Entitled Opinions", philosopher Willard Van Orman Quine concluded, "there is no such thing as a whole truth, the lifecycle of beliefs builds in the outgoing retention of foundational beliefs, people gain something by voicing their beliefs even if no one accepts what they have to say" (Alford ,1).

When an author begins to write everything is opinion, as with social media we are encouraged to state facts, thus having meaning of cultural and political truths that gains followers, followers who give their opinion-which is something we can call a known truth. Communities build from these entitled opinions to create or innovate something bigger than themselves. Opinions are often regarded as the villain in the post-truth story because opinions appear to have displaced truth, and truth stem better than opinion (Alford, 2).

According to Alford, another way of seeing the relationship between opinions and social media is to consider how convention of communication has changed on a platform (Alford, 5). Social media exploits and transforms opinions everyday as new beliefs and modes of communication show present in a community. Cross cultural languages and opinions allows opinions to be correct. Cultural values and how a person want to live focuses on the truths and lies of social media.

For Plato, episteme is knowledge that comprises scientific truth, to know what exists and the nature of it (Alford, 7). Social media exploits and change these opinions to become the norm or the truth to cultural relevance.

Doxa has a wide range of values, "from the most negative to the most positive from hallucination: (false opinion, imagination, conjecture) to normative rightness (expectation, esteem, conjecture, belief, dogma, reputation) and from deceptive appearance (illusion, false appearances) to appearance in all its splendor (phenomena, glory) (Alford, 10).

Doxa has saved technological appearances as well as rhetoric, in order to group communities of the same skills of digital content. Aristotle notes that rhetoric can observe what is persuasive about "the given."

Keywords: relativism, absolutism, neoliberalism, enthymeme, episteme, doxa, eidos


Alford, Caddie. "Entitled Opinions", The University of Alabama Press. Copywright 2024



As we turn our society in digital media, at the start of the Industrial Revolution, we are now creating communities and thoughts of importance and relevance in digital spaces. We create, sell, advertise using memes of popular culture related to real world habits and experiences. In our digital spaces, we as content creators can turn real life items into fictional characteristic pictures to communicate real world scenarios. This is what we call memes. Back to the pharaoh, hieroglyphics played a tremendous part in communication. Then, these writings constituted an apparatus in figuring out picturesque form of communication. It took a community to understand these writings and pictures.

Electracy started in the late 18th century, at the beginning of the Revolution. Apparatus is a social machine. This is how Ulmer defines digital literacy.

The Twenty-First Century

Walter Ong stated that "the noetic, the rhetorical characteristics of feeling, sensation, and intuition applied to a given communicative situation or act-stems from the oral tradition" (Rice, 1). With the emergence of print culture, Ong notes that the noetic dissipated at the turn of the twenty-first century. Ong notes:

Oral memory works effectively with ‘heavy’ characters, persons whose deeds are monumental, memorable, and commonly public. Thus, the noetic economy of its nature generates outsize figures, that is, heroic figures, not for romantic reasons or reflectively didactic reasons but for much more basic reasons: to organize experience in some sort of permanently memorable form. (Orality and Literacy 69)

The Fifth Estate

Ulmer recognizes the digital community as a fifth estate. He notes that surveillance is the biggest problem regarding electracy. Electracy is used in the digital community as an apparatus that generates behavior and thought processes. Ulmer concludes society dreams, so that our digital media with electracy as an apparatus substitutes these dreams into reality.

Electracy offers institutional communities. An institution to mediate and intelligence into the world that rectify and mediates the tension on political communities.


Rice, Jeff. "Noetic Writing: Plato Comes to Missouri." Composition Studies, Vol.39, No. 2 (Fall 2011) pp. 9-28 University of Cincinnati

Ulmer, Gregory. "Electracy: The Internet as a Fifth Estate". 2013 Journal of Pedagogic Development. (6) Electracy: the Internet as fifth estate | Gregory Ulmer -

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Hi, my name is Arielle. I love to tell you all about me. Currently,
I am a first- year grad student. I love to write and tell stories to
all those who listens. I love to speak to individuals who yearns
for my experiences. I love to communicate. I work and support
my fifteen-year-old son, who is thrilled to be a college kid.
I also love to read, anything from science-fiction to tales of
womanhood and grace.


I find that the Digital world has helped
me become the person I am today. With podcasts and audible,
I can dream of new theories on many different subjects.
I will analyze readings and offer thorough insight on major
readings from this course. I look forward to reading you guy's
thoughts on the same issues that forces us to think digitally
for all audience types. As a student I value what has come
of the digital world. ​

As a writer, I have learned the history behind 

digital material and technology, for the use of written language and 

document design. As I get to know the digital lingo, I want to become 

a professional in the digital era. I strive to know what goes here and 

how do I make these two things work all for document design and 

written presentations. ​

I am on a remarkable journey, to establish myself and use efficient communication that will enlighten and help future leaders of America. As a scholar, in academia, I want to create innovative techniques for published works, whether it's for the arts or a simple guide for document designers. Currently as a technical writer student, I will learn the basics of design principles and rhetoric composition both online and on paper. I strive to establish myself for my career goals in Technical Communication. ​

I want to bring to the workplace my story and my journey so that I may be equipped for future company goals and engagement. I believe Digital Technology has evolved to where users can put any idea onto a digital space.

Blue Flowers

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