Social media does not hold opinions to be something hard to do. Opinions are necessary to get a forum going. Opinions are necessary and share similar thoughts and similar opinions as it is a sense of closeness to a group of people. Somehow, social media has made infrastructure and opinions a hard tunnel following bandwagon behavior and idiotic behavior
Infrastructure is something rhetoricians have been striving for all along. Infrastructure makes new digital technology environments come alive, according to (Alford, 65). "All doxastic infrastructure helps distribute the formations of bodies learning to practice such motivations as desire," (Alford, 71). According to Alford, "Opinions not only scaffold rhetorical invention, but they also supply the materials for rhetorical invention."
Sense and opinions hold true to social media, thus creating forums, groups, and organizations. According to Gilles Deluze, "sense" is not something to discover, to restore, and to reemploy, Sense is not bounded, predictable, and cannot be enforced as commonsense. Users employ their opinions on one another as their truth that creates invention and new ideas. This is called online expression which creates a new digitality forum for online groups. Plato describes doxa + bodies as a pin in a given social field.
Emotions play a significant part in social media forums thus creating irrational thoughts and explicit meanings. Users of these forums create a community, whether its hate or not, people that use these opinionated forums come together with the same ideas and inventions of rhetoric.
Thel commonsense of a platform is a totally different thing. Where the platform has rules and guidelines and no room for hate. Users have to stay open-minded while also trusting their opinions are trusted to be valuable and acceptable to other users of the forum. According to Alford, commonsense and nonsense are two entities we find on social media forums. " Doxa are conscious unconscious thinking of unconscious conscious thoughts", (Alford,90). "Social media produces a circulation of exchange without explanation, justification, or rationalization," (Alford, 91).
Topoi introduces developing persistent occasions of association. Which is celebrity culture or statements of outrage in a community forum. Social media forums are necessary to have rules and guidelines in order to keep post in proper order. While users are entitled to their opinions, online forums have to keep the forums positive and "common". When users write their opinions, it is objective, not subjected to everyone else. "Opinions are not created, they create themselves," (Alford, 120)
According to Alford, "the contingent nature of endoxa accelerates cross-pollination between endoxastic opinions and implausible opinions," (Alford, 122). Each thought a user write becomes examined by other users. How might this opinion relate to me and my opinions. Users have to feel what other users have to say. Dialectical exchange is relevant to find a commonplace for similar opinions, thus creating and innovating a digital community.
Hashtags are a form of positive communication to and from users of the same thoughts and opinions. Social media and doxa has come a long way from "universal judgements." We worry about social accidents that cause people to become the news or opinions that are biased and unwanted.
As users are engaged in their inventive opinions, we tend to accelerate faster because of the viral digitality of our words. Users create words, languages, and commonsense thoughts in order to get their way of doing things to other users. We look for new ways of thinking and doing from social media platforms.
Keywords: Doxa, Endoxa, Adoxa, Topoi
Alford, Caddie. "Entitled Opinions". The University of Alabama Press. Copywright 2024