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As time goes on new media presents itself in modern ways giving users a new way to think, behave, and explore the world to better communicate with each other. We, as users and as digital media audiences, gather information to create these new methods of digital creative thinking and individuality in a public atmosphere. We, as media users, contribute to new technologies with our thoughts and behaviors. We create these spaces with the help of old literacy methods.

Ulmer describes electracy as alphabetic print; literacy, digital media, which builds into shifts of behavior, beliefs, institutions, etc. As new technology forms we are separated from a unified learning environment into a community of individualized ideas in which contributes itself from one person to another in a public space. It is an idea within itself that forms into a digital community. Electracy Notes.docx: Fall Term 2024 Digital Rhetoric and Writing (ENGL-4620-M50, ENGL-6620-M50) (

Gregory Ulmer. From Literacy to Electracy. 2003

"Electric technology is reshaping and restructuring patterns of social interdependence and every aspect of personal of social interdependence and every aspect of personal life "(McLuhan, 9). We live our best lives contributing to society by digital means to detail techniques and experiences. Communities as well as individualized ideas are combined to contribute to society in a digital space. Ideas are endless, when it comes to specialism environments.

According to McLuhan," Electric technology fosters and encouragement unification and involvement. Our authorship, which is individual intellectual effort as an economic commodity" (McLuhan, 66). We, as authors create innovative thought processes to encourage community and realism. We are forced into communities of like-minded thoughts and individuals.

Mechanization is the old technology, where we create machines to do the thinking for us. We now create digital spaces with our own thoughts and techniques to capitalize and conceptualize media. We then use these innovative technologies and ideas to make our lives better. According to McLuhan, the alphabet and print technology fostered and encouraged a fragmented process, a process of specialism and detachment (McLuhan, 9).

Mechanic multiples of the same texts create a public- to read according to McLuhan.

These spaces are inherited to different behaviors and beliefs. Television is an extension of the sense of active participation which involves all the senses.

"Electric technology fosters and encouragement unification and involvement" (McLuhan, 9).

This is the same for online databases in which communities of the same thought processes and behaviors come together to create innovative modes of technology as well as new behaviors and thought processes.

Updated: Oct 11, 2024

Speaking about hypertexts, Michael Joyce defined the term- Hypertext as "readers across the symbolic structures of a hypertext electronically in an order that they choose", (Brooke, pg. (89). According to Manovich, modality makes new media. With the changes of new media, positions of culture have been expanded, causing interaction between audiences. Some of old media i.e., print text conventions, are valued but don't serve the multimodality era. New media, such as networking spaces like Facebook, (Facebook - log in or sign up) or private spaces all use new media that explore the dimensions of multimodal elements and digital and verbal dialogue.

Manovich concluded that innovative databases that include diverse languages makes up new media. According to Manovich, "without sequences, order, development, or casualty, the database as a cultural form would not seem to lend itself to the kind of discourse that we typically treat to rhetorical analysis", (Brooke, pg. 98). Some spaces are bigger than others, one that might sell or produce products such as Amazon, have a bigger audience than scholarly databases. Understanding these databases are important to the success of the author's message, including understanding visual elements. Mary Hocks (2003) proposed that "to draw to easy a parallel between visual grammar and written grammar,"

(Brook, pg. 115).

Rhetoric is a persuasive tone. To better evaluate a person's interest that will reach multi-tudes of audiences. Welch argues the perspectives of author, text, and audiences. Old media and rhetoric will always be a part of our lives that makes technology advanced.

Style of rhetorical languages are also important. Moving from pen and paper to the more advanced spaces such as stylesheet. Technology's memory offers us, as users the capability to store and retrieve data. With persistence, authors can readily use verbal language and multimodal elements together to create a network with other people. Persistence will always make new technology easier for users like you and me. As the old media turns into new media, more and more ways of communication will keep internet users on top of things in any given space.

New media is the new technological factor in our every day use. We value the modes of thinking systematically with hypertexts (hypertext meaning - Google Search) and the like. In the new digital era we use synchronized data and written texts to explore or communicate efficiently. We as authors and readers create new ways to communicate efficiently. Bringing together new media and writing by use of many interfaces let us revaluate our theoretical communication as authors, which employs our authorship. of taking what we know as writing scholars

" Bringing together is not simply a matter of taking what we know as writing scholars and applying it to a new set of texts or language. From text to interface is a way to mold our creative processes unto new platforms. "Our disciplinary insistence on the printed page will slowly bring us out of step with our students" (Brooks, pg. 23). Our multimodality is based on these steps:

  1. Intervention

  2. Arrangement

  3. Style

  4. Memory

  5. Delivery

The interaction of these systems produces efficient communication and interaction between authors and readers. Combining multimodal practices to better evaluate systematic interventions. This is called the new modal of composing. New media brings together the textual and objectivity of a given topic, helping authors to employ credibility and background knowledge. We can call this criticism, in a sense, we evaluate our modes of thinking. Innovation is applied to new media as we use our history and critical analysis of text and objects.

The challenging systems in combining textual competence and digital design is called contextual models, rendering the execution of text, symbols, and images. These forms of writing for the web combines interaction and community engagement Invention ecology is the new perception of ideas and text. We can evaluate and critiqued such text using multimodality of printed text.


Brooke. Colin, "Lingua Fracta", (2009)

About Me

               Welcome to                       Digital Writing &            Rhetoric:  The Blog for             the Digital Era...

Hi, my name is Arielle. I love to tell you all about me. Currently,
I am a first- year grad student. I love to write and tell stories to
all those who listens. I love to speak to individuals who yearns
for my experiences. I love to communicate. I work and support
my fifteen-year-old son, who is thrilled to be a college kid.
I also love to read, anything from science-fiction to tales of
womanhood and grace.


I find that the Digital world has helped
me become the person I am today. With podcasts and audible,
I can dream of new theories on many different subjects.
I will analyze readings and offer thorough insight on major
readings from this course. I look forward to reading you guy's
thoughts on the same issues that forces us to think digitally
for all audience types. As a student I value what has come
of the digital world. ​

As a writer, I have learned the history behind 

digital material and technology, for the use of written language and 

document design. As I get to know the digital lingo, I want to become 

a professional in the digital era. I strive to know what goes here and 

how do I make these two things work all for document design and 

written presentations. ​

I am on a remarkable journey, to establish myself and use efficient communication that will enlighten and help future leaders of America. As a scholar, in academia, I want to create innovative techniques for published works, whether it's for the arts or a simple guide for document designers. Currently as a technical writer student, I will learn the basics of design principles and rhetoric composition both online and on paper. I strive to establish myself for my career goals in Technical Communication. ​

I want to bring to the workplace my story and my journey so that I may be equipped for future company goals and engagement. I believe Digital Technology has evolved to where users can put any idea onto a digital space.

Blue Flowers

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