As time goes on new media presents itself in modern ways giving users a new way to think, behave, and explore the world to better communicate with each other. We, as users and as digital media audiences, gather information to create these new methods of digital creative thinking and individuality in a public atmosphere. We, as media users, contribute to new technologies with our thoughts and behaviors. We create these spaces with the help of old literacy methods.
Ulmer describes electracy as alphabetic print; literacy, digital media, which builds into shifts of behavior, beliefs, institutions, etc. As new technology forms we are separated from a unified learning environment into a community of individualized ideas in which contributes itself from one person to another in a public space. It is an idea within itself that forms into a digital community. Electracy Notes.docx: Fall Term 2024 Digital Rhetoric and Writing (ENGL-4620-M50, ENGL-6620-M50) (instructure.com)
Gregory Ulmer. From Literacy to Electracy. 2003
"Electric technology is reshaping and restructuring patterns of social interdependence and every aspect of personal of social interdependence and every aspect of personal life "(McLuhan, 9). We live our best lives contributing to society by digital means to detail techniques and experiences. Communities as well as individualized ideas are combined to contribute to society in a digital space. Ideas are endless, when it comes to specialism environments.
According to McLuhan," Electric technology fosters and encouragement unification and involvement. Our authorship, which is individual intellectual effort as an economic commodity" (McLuhan, 66). We, as authors create innovative thought processes to encourage community and realism. We are forced into communities of like-minded thoughts and individuals.

Mechanization is the old technology, where we create machines to do the thinking for us. We now create digital spaces with our own thoughts and techniques to capitalize and conceptualize media. We then use these innovative technologies and ideas to make our lives better. According to McLuhan, the alphabet and print technology fostered and encouraged a fragmented process, a process of specialism and detachment (McLuhan, 9).
Mechanic multiples of the same texts create a public- to read according to McLuhan.
These spaces are inherited to different behaviors and beliefs. Television is an extension of the sense of active participation which involves all the senses.
"Electric technology fosters and encouragement unification and involvement" (McLuhan, 9).
This is the same for online databases in which communities of the same thought processes and behaviors come together to create innovative modes of technology as well as new behaviors and thought processes.